Chiropractic for No Fault Car Accident Injuries

Over 30 million people visit a chiropractor every year–and at least 35% of them do so to combat pain caused by car accidents. Depending on your injuries, chiropractic for car accident injuries can help reduce pain and aid your recovery.

How No Fault Car Accidents Impact Your Back

A car accident is never fun. With a horrific suddenness, your day is completely changed. Even a minor fender-bender can be an extreme annoyance–and lead to injuries. Whether your accident was substantial or minor, the injuries don’t always reveal themselves right away. That’s because two things happen during most collisions:

  • Your body tenses up: You’re scared! So you grip your steering wheel or flinch or brace yourself–either way you tense up. That tension can be good–the added muscle rigidity helps protect your internal organs. But it can lead to strains and other injuries.
  • You are thrown around by inertia: When the collision happens, you’re likely to be thrown around much more than you realize. Seatbelts and airbags keep your momentum from becoming deadly, but injuries of varying severity can still occur.

Even minor impacts can lead to injuries you may not notice at first–especially when it comes to the back. That’s because back injuries can be subtle– and can take days or weeks to fully emerge. Even if you do notice a back injury promptly, an emergency department may not be able to help, especially if the injury originates in the soft tissue around the spine. Seeing an auto accident chiropractor can help get you on the path to recovery faster.

How Chiropractic for No Fault Car Accident Injuries Can Help

If you are injured in a car accident you may have an injury to your spine resulting in neck pain, back pain, headaches, diminished mobility and more. Seeing a chiropractor can help. During your care a chiropractor will use a variety of gentle treatments to ease the pain and restore normal function to your spine.

If you are a candidate your chiropractor may use manual spinal manipulation. This can have several advantages for your recovery, including the following:

  • Pain reduction: Studies have shown that chiropractic care can be particularly good for treating acute pain. This is why chiropractic for no fault car accident injuries can be critical, as it can relieve pain in several ways. First, when your spine is in proper alignment, it experiences less stress. Second, chiropractic adjustments can release natural pain-relieving hormones, such as cortisol and oxytocin.
  • Minimize inflammation: One of your body’s natural responses to injury is inflammation–this speeds healing and the release of helpful chemicals. But inflammation can also cause pain. By reducing the amount of continuing damage to your back, spinal adjustments can help minimize injury-produced inflammation. Seeing an auto accident chiropractor can help reduce pain and injury caused by inflammation.
  • Restore your range of motion: Sometimes the strain of a car accident injury can limit your range of motion, especially when it’s paired with ongoing spinal pain and the buildup of scar tissue along your healing injuries. Chiropractic care after a car accident injury can help minimize that scar tissue and promote healing. That, in turn, leads to a better range of motion.

Many people who experience pain after a car accident are–understandably–scared, upset, and frustrated. They’re worried that the pain they are currently experiencing will be chronic, that it won’t go away.

Make Chiropractic Care Your First Stop

In many instances, visiting a chiropractor can be a sound first step in your recovery from a car accident injury. That’s because chiropractic care tends to be very conservative–it’s high reward with low risk. If your chiropractic therapy does not help you feel relief from your injuries, we can and will refer you to a specialist for additional treatment–but at least you’ll know what care you need.

Chiropractic care after auto accident injuries can provide patients with a sense of peace and recovery–as well as optimism.

How Chiropractic Care Fits into Your Overall Post-Accident Healthcare

For some patients, chiropractic care along with physical therapy will successfully treat their auto-accident injuries. Other patients may require a visit with an orthopedic team or other specialists. Often, chiropractic care is prescribed and must be completed before any surgery is considered. That’s because chiropractic treatment is very low risk-high reward.

Chiropractic care may be employed even after you see other medical specialists. It’s important to make sure your chiropractor has a good working relationship with other physician teams. At Diaspo Chiropractic and Physical Therapy, we have a strong referral network and coordinate our care with many physician teams.

When Can Your Treatments Start?

When you’re in pain, you want relief immediately. Because car accidents can be complicated, many patients think they need to talk with a lawyer before they can start chiropractic treatments. But New York is a no-fault state, which means you don’t need to worry about lawyers before seeking medical treatment.

With over 30 years helping car accident patients, we can help you work with your insurance company to ensure you receive the care you need. Because you want relief right away.

Get Relief From Car Accident Pain

Chiropractic for car accident injuries can help you feel better and get back to living your life. So you won’t have to suffer or curtail your activities. If you’ve been in a car accident–or know someone who has–contact our office to schedule a consultation.

A car accident can change your life in a second. But there’s a road to recovery. And chiropractic care from Diaspo Chiropractic & Physical Therapy can help you get back on your feet. Contact us today!