Treatment For Car Accident Injuries

According To NYPD Traffic Data For The 75th Precinct, Which Is Where Queens Village Is, There Were 387 Motor Vehicle Collisions With 161 Motorists And Passengers Injured…Just In September 2021. There Is Clearly A Daily Need For Car Accident Doctors In Queens Village.

Start Treatment Right Away With A No-Fault Car Accident Doctor

We strongly recommend starting treatment immediately if you’re injured in an auto accident. In over 30 years of practice, we consistently find that patients do the best when they start treatment soon after the incident.

You may want or need an attorney, and we support that, but you don’t need an attorney before you start treatment.. In New York State, your care is covered through auto insurance. Nobody has to figure out who is at fault before coverage begins. It’s called “No-Fault Insurance,” and you don’t have to pay anything for your treatment.

Consider Chiropractic And Physical Therapy First

When you’re in a no-fault car accident, your body is jostled around, sometimes severely, which can cause pain whose root cause may be hard to find. The pain in your back might be because you got hit there, due to a misalignment in your spine, or injury to your discs.

Patients who visit the emergency room or urgent care first are often frustrated by the lack of care they receive. This is because most have soft tissue and joint injuries that do not require immediate surgery or hospitalization. As a chiropractic and physical therapy practice, we examine your head to toe to find out what’s going on.

Of course, specialists, like orthopedists, neurologists, and pain management specialists, are very valuable, and we have working relationships with many of them. But specialists are most appropriate after you have had conservative care, like chiropractic and physical therapy, and imaging, such as MRI. Specialists will rely on your response to treatment and the results of these tests to assess your injuries. That’s why, for most patients, seeing a specialist first is as frustrating as visiting the emergency room or urgent care.

Why Patients Choose Us As Their Auto Accident Doctors

Many patients we see haven’t been injured in an no-fault car accident before. They’re in pain and worried if they’ll be able to get around, go to work, go to school, or take care of their families. We understand that and work hard to make this experience easy for you so you can focus on getting treatment and getting better. Here are some of the reasons why patients choose us and stay with us.

We Put Our Patients First

When you come in for your first appointment after your car accident, we tell you what we think and go to work immediately if we can help you. We don’t make you wait until you figure out all the insurance details to start treating you. We also understand that a no-fault car accident injury can trickle down to your family and your job and impact your life. We work very hard to help you know what you can and can’t do so you can live your life while you’re getting treated.

We Keep Treating You Even If Insurance Stops Paying

Sometimes, you need more treatment than the insurance company will cover. When the insurance runs out, some other offices might stop treating you. We don’t. We keep treating you until you’re better and won’t ask you to pay out of pocket. We can’t. Nobody can. New York State law forbids it.

We’re Very Experienced Treating No-Fault Car Accident Patients

We’ve been in practice for over 30 years as chiropractors and physical therapists. We’ve treated many types of vehicle accident injuries since we opened. We’ll never say we’ve seen it all, but we’ve seen a lot. Sometimes, you need more treatment than the insurance company will cover. We keep treating you until you’re better.

We Understand No-Fault Insurance For Auto Accidents

Insurance companies require documentation for patients seeing an auto injury doctor. We handle all of it. You don’t have to touch any of it. We know what the insurance companies need, and we will handle it all for you.

We Work Well With Auto Accident Attorneys

If you have an attorney, we will work with them and get them the information they need to process your case. We’ve worked with attorneys on auto accident cases for decades. Attorneys will respect us because we know what they need, and we get it right the first time. We know many if you need an attorney and are happy to refer you to one.

We Can Get You To Our Office

After your car accident, you might not have had a vehicle for a while. We offer transportation assistance to eligible patients if you can’t get to us alone. Please call our office to see if you qualify.

Our Treatment Process As Car Accident Doctors

If you’ve come to us to be your no-fault car accident doctor, all you’ll need to do is call and schedule your first appointment. We take it from there. This is probably your first car accident. You don’t know what to expect. We do. Here’s what we’ll do.

Thorough Examination And Treatment

We examine you head to toe and identify the root causes of your pain. Once we’ve identified them, we create a treatment plan tailored to you. Your treatment plan may include chiropractic, physical therapy, or both. We treat you until you’re recovered, even if the no-fault insurance covering your treatment stops paying. If that happens, we’ll keep treating you, and you still won’t pay anything out of pocket.

Refer You To Specialists When Needed

If you have injuries we can’t treat or don’t treat, or you just need more than treatment alone, we have a well-established network of specialists to whom we can refer you. These include orthopedic surgeons, neurologists, pain management specialists, and radiologists.